Fun dining, not fine dining, in Melbourne | Remarkable Living

Fun dining, not fine dining, in Melbourne | Remarkable Living

Shaun Quade has been hailed by the media as one of the most exciting and innovative chefs today. He also has got his technical culinary skills down pat – he started as a chef at age 21, became the executive chef of a five-star hotel when he turned 23, and started his own restaurant at age 32.

Since opening its doors in 2015, Lume, located in south Melbourne, has steadily won the critics’ favour and established a solid reputation for innovation. It’s also managed to get on everyone’s lips with the unusual way it presented its most iconic dish: The Meyer Lemon Tree, a dessert Quade unveiled with a journey to the ingredients’ point of origins via a VR headset, is now famous for its multi-sensory mode of delivery. Read the story:

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  1. Unknown User on December 21, 2019 at 8:06 pm

    I hope your guests don’t expect to feel full. Those portions are minuscule. There are so much more better places in Melbourne. Mystified how this place got on here

  2. anthtan on December 21, 2019 at 8:33 pm

    Why am I watching? I’ll never be able to eat there.

  3. Wayne Leng on December 21, 2019 at 8:33 pm

    I just about walk past there everyday and have never even noticed it! Booking it for my birthday!

  4. Gena Lucido on December 21, 2019 at 8:53 pm

    Early yoooo

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